ITC Willow™
Examples and download link for the ITC Willow™ font designed by Tony Forster, Charles Rennie Mackintosh in 1990.
Plunct Plact
Examples and download link for the Plunct Plact font designed by Ricardo Marcin, Erica Jung in 2017.
Brix Slab™
Examples and download link for the Brix Slab™ font designed by Hannes von Döhren, Livius Dietzel in 2011.
Examples and download link for the Dunkelbunt font designed by Ricardo Marcin, Erica Jung in 2016.
Galano Grotesque
Examples and download link for the Galano Grotesque font designed by Rene Bieder in 2014.
Sanchez Condensed
Examples and download link for the Sanchez Condensed font designed by Daniel Hernández in 2012.
Examples and download link for the Distillery font designed by Carolina Marando, Alejandro Paul in 2014.
Alinea Sans™
Examples and download link for the Alinea Sans™ font designed by Thierry Puyfoulhoux in 1995.
Examples and download link for the Challenge™ font designed by Martin Wait in 1982.