AquaMints GD
Examples and download link for the AquaMints GD font designed by Pamela Grant in .
XXII Neue Norm Rounded
Examples and download link for the XXII Neue Norm Rounded font designed by Lecter Johnson in 2017.
Examples and download link for the Kapture font designed by Brian J. Bonislawsky, Jim Lyles in 2016.
Examples and download link for the Memimas™ font designed by José Manuel Urós, Joan Barjau in 1991-2007.
Examples and download link for the Carumba™ font designed by Jill Bell in 1996.
Breve Slab Text
Examples and download link for the Breve Slab Text font designed by Dino dos Santos in 2014.
FF DIN Arabic®
Examples and download link for the FF DIN Arabic® font designed by Albert-Jan Pool, Yanone in .
LTC Record Title™
Examples and download link for the LTC Record Title™ font designed by Frederic W. Goudy in 2007.