What is the Whale Song font?
I grew up with the ‘Save The Whales’ slogan: I remember watching the news and seeing little Greenpeace dinghies taking on huge Japanese whalers, and activists clinging on for dear life. I haven’t heard that slogan for a while: maybe because whaling is soooo 1890’s, but also maybe because the world has other problems to address. Out of respect for the ‘Save The Whale’ activists, I named this fattish font Whale Song. Whale Song is a robust comic font. It was especially created for book covers, product packaging and posters and, of course, it comes with a whale of diacritics.
Whale Song Font families
The Whale Song includes the following font families:
Whale Song Preview
Here is a preview of how Whale Song will look. For more previews using your own text as an example,
click here.