What is the TX NineVolt font?
Assimilated from the characteristics of handwriting, NineVolt was engineered to emphasize the bottom connections. The result is a strong, graphic baseline with a left to right movement. Another intention was to design a typeface that had 3 degrees more slant than the common 6 degrees found in many script faces. One could say that the 9 degree backbone gives NineVolt extra verve and vigor. The main design goal was to achieve a quick repetition of hard angles that move along the baseline. Once the font is set in text, it has the quality of having a continuous straight line along the baselines. This "ink-line" serves as a vehicle to communicate and resemble rule lines, drafting, and note taking.
TX NineVolt Font families
The TX NineVolt font includes the following font families:
TX NineVolt Preview
Here is a preview of how TX NineVolt will look. For more previews using your own text as an example,
click here.