What is the PI R^2 font?
Why is this font is called Pi R^2 (Pi R Squared) ? It is the formula used to calculate the area of a circle. I am fascinated with Mathematics, and I wanted to try and generate a font that only used the most basic of geometric shapes the Circle and the Square however I had to add the humble Triangle to this list in order to create Pi R^2 my latest font and first of my commercial fonts.
The Life of Pi ? More…
The number Pi is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. The constant, sometimes written Pi, is approximately equal to 3.14159. It has been represented by the Greek letter π since the mid-18th century. in 1971 Pi was officially classed as an irrational number, which means that it cannot be expressed exactly as a ratio of two integers (such as 22/7 or other fractions that are commonly used to approximate Pi); consequently, its decimal representation never ends and never repeats. In September 1999 a Super Computer at the University of Tokyo calculated Pi to 206,158,430,000 digits and I believe that it’s still running it’s calculations to this day.
Pi Day and Pi Approximation Day are two unofficial holidays held to celebrate the mathematical constant Pi. Pi Day is celebrated on March 14, or in the month/day date format as 3/14; since 3, 1 and 4 are the three most significant digits of Pi. (March 14 is also the birthday of Albert Einstein so the two events are sometimes celebrated together). Pi Approximation Day is held on July 22, or in the more common day/month date format as 22/7, which is the improper fraction used as the approximate value of Pi.
PI R^2 Font families
The PI R^2 includes the following font families:
PI R^2 Preview
Here is a preview of how PI R^2 will look. For more previews using your own text as an example,
click here.