Loyolliams Font

0 Styles
Eyad Al-Samman
Kind words and forgiveness are better than charity followed by hurt
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Best usage: Headline, Logo, Print
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching.
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48pxKind words and forgiveness are better than charity followed by hurt
36pxKind words and forgiveness are better than charity followed by hurt
32pxKind words and forgiveness are better than charity followed by hurt
20pxNo one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
16pxEveryone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

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What is the Loyolliams font?

“Loyolliams” is my first designed Latin typeface which has special meanings and unforgettable memories for me. The font’s name, Loyolliams, consists of two mixed syllables stand for two different names. The first syllable is derived from the name “Loyola” and the second syllable is derived from the last five letters of the name “Williams.” These two names are related to “Concordia University”—located in Montreal in Canada—where I studied at a short academic term and spent in a very special period of my life in the late 2005. This renowned Canadian academic institution was created following the 1974 merger of “Loyola College” (1896) and “Sir George Williams University” (1926). This conglomeration formed “Concordia University” and the name Concordia itself was taken from the motto of the city of Montreal, Concordia salus (meaning ‘well-being through harmony’). More… This font comes in two different weights; light and regular. “Loyolliams” is a square, geometric, techno, and modern font. It is suitable for T-shirts, books' covers, websites’ addresses, advertisement light boards, and titles in technical, artistic, and other types of magazines and signboards. “Loyolliams” can be used also in posters, surfaces of electrical and electronic tools, digital devices and chips, geometrical machines, trucks, tractors, calculators, mobile phones, watches, laptops, personal computers, power equipments, digital cameras, technical magazines, and other digital and electronic tools. This fonts can be effectively used in titles especially when its uppercase and lowercase letters are mixed together and when it is used in its italic mode. “Loyolliams” is suitable for writing and printing small textual paragraphs in cards, magazines advertisements, and also posters. The main characteristic of “Loyolliams” Typeface is its non-curve style in most of its alphanumeric letters. The characters are deliberately designed to have only angular and square shapes.

Loyolliams Font families

The Loyolliams includes the following font families: [font-families]

Loyolliams Preview

Here is a preview of how Loyolliams will look. For more previews using your own text as an example, click here.
Font NameLoyolliams
Design Date1 Jan 2012
Designer(s)Eyad Al-Samman
PublisherEyad Al-Samman


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