What is the Document™ font?
Document is an easy-to-read sans serif with large lower-case letters, but with one difference - it is slightly slanted to the right, but a lot less than a conventional italic angle. This is intended to give it a more informal and modern look than a perfectly upright font would be, and which also contributes extra dynamism while reading.
It’s a sort of in-between font, for situations where a boring old upright typeface is too formal and staid but where the italic version is too slanted and obvious. There are six weights, giving adequate representation for most jobs, from large bodies of text to headlines. More…
The zip package contains both OTF and TTF versions - install either OTF or TTF, not both versions of a font on the same machine.
Document™ Font families
The Document™ includes the following font families:
Document™ Preview
Here is a preview of how Document™ will look. For more previews using your own text as an example,
click here.