What is the Cypher™ font?
Cypher is a techno looking font that attempts to employ the Gestalt principal of closure. It may, at larger sizes look like some sort of code or a bunch of dots and dashes, but when viewed at smaller sizes it falls together into legible words.
This font family was first inspired by an experiment to try to make a legible upper and lower alphabet with the smallest grid possible that would still describe the letterforms. The original conclusion was that it could be done in a 3x6 grid. This made a fun design exercise, but it makes a lousy font. More…
The grid was expanded a bit for aesthetic reasons to a 3x8 grid, But not restricted so severely and so occasionally goes wider than 3 for the certain letterforms. From this a whole family of widths and weights was born, and rather than simply obliquing for italics, a true italic of sorts was created.
Cypher is a versatile family of 24 fonts – 4 widths, each with 3 weights and their accompanying italics.
Cypher™ Font families
The Cypher™ includes the following font families:
Cypher™ Preview
Here is a preview of how Cypher™ will look. For more previews using your own text as an example,
click here.