What is the Bullet Numbers font?
This is a must read!!!
BulletNumbers come in very handy for all kinds of lists that don't exceed 100 categories. I have long since been using my own BulletNumbers in positive and negative and four styles, serif, sans, engravers and script, a fitting one for every occasion. Now I perfected them for all of you. More…
Here is how to use them: (Important! Set letterspacing to ‘0’, otherwise the two digit numbers will overlap!!!) The numbers 1-0 reside on the standard keys. Two digit numbers 01-99 can be composed out of left and right half circles by using (lowercase) ‘abcdefghij’ for the first digit (left half circle) and ‘lmnopqrstu’ for the second digit (right half circle). The critical pairs (all combinations with 1) can be found in various places. Type ‘!’ for 10, ‘#’ for 11, '$‘ 12, ’%‘ for 13, ’&‘ for 14, ’(‘ for 15, ’)‘ for 16, ’*‘ for 17, ’+‘ for 18, ’,‘ for 19, ’-‘ for 21, ’.‘ for 31, ’/‘ for 41, ’:‘ for 51, ’;‘ for 61, ’?' for 81, ‘_’ for 91. The two arrows are on the < and > keys. ‘100’ can be found with shift+option+1. Last but not least, the capital letter bullets A-Z can be found on the shift+letter A-Z.
Yours very practical Gert Wiescher
Bullet Numbers Font families
The Bullet Numbers includes the following font families:
Bullet Numbers Preview
Here is a preview of how Bullet Numbers will look. For more previews using your own text as an example,
click here.