1495 Lombardes

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What is the 1495 Lombardes font?

This set of initial decorated letters was created, entirely re-drawn, and inspired by the well known Lombarde initial letters type. More precisely, the type used by early printers in Lyon (France) like Mathias Huss, Martin Havard or Jean Real, from the end of 14OOs to the middle of 1500s.
We offer four different styles in two fonts for one alphabet. In the historically period, the real fonts used were only printed in black (rarely in color) on the white paper background, most often without frame. We offer outlined and framed additional versions. More…
It is used as variously as web-site titles, posters and flyers design, publishing texts looking like ancient ones, or greeting cards, all various sorts of presentations, as a very decorative, elegant and luxurious additional font…
This font supports enlargement,bringing out its decorative qualities. The original medieval hight was about a half inch, equivalent to about two or three lines of characters. This font is an ideal complement for all our blackletters, but preferably the bastardes ones, because it was used to print popular cheap small books or flyers.

1495 Lombardes Font families

The 1495 Lombardes includes the following font families:

  • 1495 Lombardes Normal
  • 1495 Lombardes Bold

1495 Lombardes Preview

Here is a preview of how 1495 Lombardes will look. For more previews using your own text as an example, click here.

Is 1495 Lombardes A free font? Is 1495 Lombardes Free to Download?

No,1495 Lombardes is not free to download. You will need to pay for it I'm afraid. Almost every font that we list on HighFonts.com is a paid-for, premium font. We do have a Free Fonts section where we list free fonts that you can download. There is no point trying to find a free download of 1495 Lombardes so please don't waste your time looking.

It is highly unlikely that you'll be able to find 1495 Lombardes for free. There's a lot of websites that will say "Free Download" but these are just attempts to get you to click on a link which will either take you to an ad landing page or you risk getting viruses on your computer. In the rare occasion that you do find a free download for 1495 Lombardes remember that it's illegal to use a font if you didn't pay for it!

If you really want 1495 Lombardes and you want to truly own it the legal and safe way, then click here to visit the download and purchase page on MyFonts.com. Here you will be able to obtain the proper license. The designer and publisher deserves to be paid for their work, as they have put in the hours and the creativity to produce such an amazing font. Good luck with your purchase and future use of this font. :)